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Your words and thoughts create your reality.

Many different people have said this in different (and sometimes surprisingly similar!) ways.

I'll share just a few with you :

If we understood the power of our thoughts,
we would guard them more closely.
If we understood the awesome power of our words,
we would prefer silence to almost anything negative.
In our thoughts and words we create
our own weaknesses and our own strengths.
Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts.
We can always replace negative with positive.

~  Bettie Eadie  ~

born 1942

Keep your thoughts positive,
because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive,
because your words become your behaviours.
Keep your behaviours positive,
because your behaviours become your habits.
Keep your habits positive,
because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive,
because your values become your destiny.

~ Gandhi ~

1869 ~ 1948

Thoughts become things, choose the good ones!


~  Mike Dooley  ~

born 1961

Psychologists have found that our subconscious mind interprets what it hears very literally. The words that come out of your mouth therefore create the reality you inhabit. For better or worse.


~  Margie Warrell  ~

Washington DC

Your own words are the bricks and mortar
of the dreams you want to realize.
Your words are the greatest power you have.
The words you choose and the use establish the life you experience.

~ Sonia Choquette ~

Watch your thoughts, they become your words;

 watch your words, they become your actions; 

watch your actions, they become your habits; 

watch your habits, they become your character; 

watch your character, it becomes your destiny.


~  Lao Tzu  ~

4th ~ 6th century BC

Ancient China

There is power in words.

What you say is what you get.


~  Zig Ziglar  ~

1926 ~ 2012

born Alabama

Every thought we think is creating our future.


~  Louise L. Hay  ~

1926 ~2017

Your life is what your thoughts make it


~  Confucious  ~

Chinese Philosopher 

551 - 479 BC

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So many of our teachers through the ages say the same thing that I think we have to begin to take notice!

What we THINK, and even more so what we SAY, goes forward to CREATE our future.


If we have a thought about something, for example a relationship or a situation, those thoughts are creative, and we are sending them out into the Universe where they take on a form of their own,

to return to us as reality.


We have a negative thought or belief about ANY aspect of our life, and as we change this part of our life, the old thought or belief colours the new.

So, "I'm unhappy in my job!" or "I hate this car" or "I don't like this house" can seep through from one job/car/house to the next, leaving you as frustrated and dissatisfied with the new as you were with the old.


The general principle is, then that if we think hopeful, happy, positive thoughts about our selves, our life and our future, then that future becomes hopeful, happy and positive.

Conversely, if we think negatively about ourselves and our life, using words full of criticism and dissatisfaction, then we are creating dissatisfaction and negativity in our future.


As well as the creative power of our thoughts and words to shape our future, there is the damage we do to ourselves with our words.

Think for a moment about the words you say to yourself, our internal dialogue.

How often do you give yourself a hard time, for instance?

I used to tell myself how stupid I was for doing this thing, or saying that, and that used to make me feel small, worthless and powerless, reducing my self esteem to rubble.


The reason for this is that when we speak to ourselves in this way, it is our Inner Child who hears us.

Imagine that you said those critical words to a THREE YEAR OLD CHILD, how would that child respond?

(because that's what you are effectively doing, you're speaking to your Inner 3-year-old...)


My guess is that he or she would be devastated, their little face would crumple and they would cry, and all they would want to do is go and hide behind the sofa  ~  I know that's how my little girl felt!


That's the damage you do to yourself every time your self-talk is negative and full of criticism.

Your self worth plummets and you feel miserable.


If only we realised that at the time!


Just imagine for a minute how different the scenario might be if you chose another form of internal dialogue ~ a positive and constructive comment on the actions you feel weren't up to scratch?


If instead of "Oh, Louise, how STUPID you are!  WHY did you do that? "  I had said to myself  "That didn't feel so good, perhaps next time we could try that a bit differently?"


If instead of  "Louise, I HATE the way you do that!   Why can't you do better?"  I had said  "I see why that happened and I understand.  Next time, I wonder if we could find another way?"


Are you beginning to see how destructive we can be with our careless talk?


We would do well to take extreme care about the WORDS we use, about ourselves and our lives!


This issue of the words we use is addressed within  "Heal Your Life®", and I also use the same principles in Regression and Reiki-led Release, but here I offer a simple practice of WATCHING what you say, allowing you to begin to WAKE UP to YOUR WORDS!



Who can this help?

Practically everyone will benefit from this!

Almost everyone has ONE area of their life that they aren't entirely satisfied with, and it's usually just a question of working out how your thoughts and words are shaping this aspect of your life, and Waking Up to those Words so that you can change them!


What can I expect?

We sit together and talk about your inner dialogue and the words you persistently use throughout your day.

I shall explain how these may be detrimental, what you are creating in your life, and show you how to change your words and so your current happiness and your future.

We will also use affirmations, and might use some techniques and exercises from "Heal Your Life®"


1:1 Session information and pricing

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