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starts with a light lunch, followed by an introductory fact-finding session in the afternoon and perhaps a walk around the village.

We will cook our supper together while getting to know each other a little better, and watch a film (You Can Heal Your Life, the Movie) in the evening.




begins with breakfast at around 8:30am, followed by a guided visualisation

to set the intention for the Retreat.   

Our morning session might be a Regression or a Reiki-led Release, followed by a light lunch and a walk or drive around the area.

The afternoon session might be analysis and discussion of the morning session

in the form of "Heal Your Life®" coaching or Wake Up to Your Words!


(Equally, we might decide to reverse the sessions and start with a HYL coaching or WU2YW! session,

followed by a Regression or Reiki-led Release.

This depends on whether we have a specific direction or issue with which to begin.)


Supper comes next, which again we will concoct together while continuing a dialogue.

In the evening you are free to choose your activity, we might watch another film together, or chat about something else, or you might want to chill on your own, either in the lounge with TV or a film, or in your room.




begins with breakfast at around 8:30am, followed by a guided visualisation and

discussion about the direction of the day.

Again our morning session might be a Regression or a Reiki-led Release, followed by a light lunch and a walk , perhaps up a hill or near some water.

The afternoon session might again be analysis and discussion of the morning session in the form of "Heal Your Life®" coaching or Wake Up to Your Words!


(Again, we might decide to reverse the sessions and start with a HYL coaching or WU2YW! session,

followed by a Regression or Reiki-led Release.

We might also decide one particular modality works better for you, and we might conduct most of the sessions in this way.)


Supper follows, which we will again prepare together while continuing a dialogue.

In the evening you are free to choose your activity, as on Day Two.




begins with breakfast at around 8:30am, followed by a closing discussion about the results we have achieved and closes with a guided visualisation to help you on your journey.

We conclude with a light lunch before you leave to resume "normal life"!



**  We can also structure the whole Retreat as a 1:1 version of the HYL Two Day Workshop.  **


This retreat is built AROUND YOU, and we will work with whatever suits YOU best, to get the best result possible over the time available.


If you choose to come for a longer Retreat, the other days will follow a similar pattern,

all working around your needs and preferences.


Obviously, if we are working with complex issues, the longer we have the better!

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