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Reiki for Animals


Reiki can be practised on animals as well as ourselves.

Because they have no judgement, they receive Reiki well.         

It can help with emotional issues as well as physical ones,

and it can be calming as well as regenerative.

It can allow  peace to develop as well as allow wounds to heal more quickly.


Sometimes animals are willing to stand for some time while they receive the Reiki, and other times they move away quite quickly.

It is important to allow them to receive for as long as they choose and not force this on them.

Animals are extremely good at knowing what they need and how long for!


An initial session for a horse (or similar sized animal) is £45, follow up sessions are £40 **


An initial session for a smaller pet is £35, follow up sessions are £30.


**  There might also be a mileage charge of 50p per mile travelled if I come to you.


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