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Regression  **


Within a hypnosis session, I usually work with Regression as I find that this makes for the best long-term solution.

This can be effective with many issues, including :    quitting bad habits (smoking, nailbiting etc.),      weight loss and eating disorders,      relationship difficulties,      phobias (e.g. irrational fear of spiders, flying, dogs),       stress and anxiety,       panic attacks,       depression,   psychosexual problems,   social phobias,       insomnia,
even…  a vague feeling of unease you can’t put your finger on…

As children, we are frequently discouraged from expressing our emotions, such as anger and fear, pain and sorrow, and this can cause difficulties in later life.

Sometimes, these unexpressed emotions can appear at the most unexpected moments, with unforeseen and occasionally disastrous results.


In hypnosis, I guide you to find ways to express often long-forgotten (on a conscious level) emotions and feelings.

This can involve quite emotive encounters, and usually culminates in some kind of forgiveness, sometimes of another and sometimes of yourself.


Forgiveness is a vital part of the process, allowing us to move forward in our lives.


Sometimes people think that forgiving the perpetrator for some misdemeanour

is the same as condoning that action.....  




I cannot stress strongly enough, forgiveness is NEVER about the other person, it is a GIFT to ourselves, allowing us the space to let go of the hurt we might have been holding on to, sometimes for a VERY long time, and finally move forward with our own lives.


Indeed, often the person we are holding anger and resentment against has absolutely NO IDEA that we are angry with them, and if we told them how we felt, they would be astonished!



Some problems can be resolved within one or two sessions (for example phobias and habits), although many issues are likely to take longer.

I can give you an idea of how many sessions I would envisage for any specific issue, although this can only ever be a guess as we don't yet know the complexity and other related issues may raise themselves which need to be resolved.

With a more complex emotional issue I would expect a minimum of six sessions to be required.



Please note that due to its nature, regression is NOT initially available on Zoom - sorry!

However I am happy to do some 1 : 1 sessions first and perhaps progress to Regression at a later date.


1:1 Session information and pricing

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