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Editing and Proofreading

Tell me honestly...  Do you ever go onto a website or a blog and notice spelling mistakes or punctuation errors?

Do you sometimes come across duplicated words?

Are there sentences that make no sense to you?


I have been doing some copyediting for a friend who has begun to do a website and a blog.

Part of Copyediting work includes checking the source and correctness of any information shared, as well as looking for errors in spelling and grammar, and ensuring the consistency of many aspects of the text.


In the course of this work, then, I have been looking at many

different spiritual and holistic websites, as my friend's blogs are varied!


I'm aware that lots of us who are of a spiritual persuasion are more focused on our gifts, on our vocation as lightworkers and healers, therapists and guides, than on anything as mundane as spelling, punctuation and grammar!


Now, I don't know about you (I am a bit of a pedant, after all), but when I spot a spelling error or a homophone (that's when two words sound the same but are spelt differently, and the wrong spelling has been used) e.g. they're instead of their, or sight instead of site, my eyes nearly pop out of my head and my attention fixes on the errors rather than the manuscript itself...


After that, I'm not really reading the text for information or enjoyment,

I'm looking for more errors.


I wonder, especially when people are coming afresh to the alternative and spiritual world, whether perhaps they too might be put off by these errors and simply shut down the computer, no matter how beautifully laid out the website or how wonderful the teacher - which would be such a shame!


I have really enjoyed this copyediting work, and of course after the errors are fixed I can enjoy the content too, so I have embarked on a Proofreading and Editing course so that I can focus my attention on copyediting and proofreading websites in this sector to improve our accessibility and visibility.


If you feel you might need a formal eye casting over your website, especially if you have constructed it yourself, then please feel free to get in contact with me.


I look forward to hearing from you!

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