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1 : 1 Residential Coaching Retreats


A retreat at Serendipity Retreats offers you the opportunity to spend several days with me.


During this retreat, there is ample time to enjoy walks in the beautiful Welsh countryside in and around Llandinam, in between sessions of Wake up to Your Words!, HYL coaching, Inner Child work, Reiki-led release, hypnotherapy and regression, in the proportions that suit you.    We might also use techniques of psychotherapy or CBT.

The aim is to help you to get to the root of any issues you might have, and allow you to find a way forward, using whatever method(s) work best for you.

We go at a pace that is comfortable for you, still aiming to make the most of your time in Wales.

The retreat is followed up with a Zoom session to check on your progress after you return home, and can be further complemented by a course of Zoom coaching sessions if you so desire, to continue the process.


Your stay is full board, to include all meals, drinks and refreshments.

Food is mostly vegetarian and gluten and dairy free.

You will live "en famille", sharing in some of the household activities.

The process, especially Waking Up to Your Words, is ongoing throughout your stay, and it can be a pretty intense experience at times!


Your investment for a 1:1 retreat varies depending on what you want and how long you would like to stay;

minimum stay is 3 FULL days  and nights, "lunch to lunch", starting from £900.


Find out more of what your RETREAT might consist of HERE


Find out more about my house and your accommodation HERE


Contact me with your requirements for a bespoke investment cost.

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